Sunday, July 27, 2014


     With the constant schedule of Girl's Camp behind us, we prepared for Boy's Camp.  We didn't have any assignments with the camp, just to restock and have everything ready for them. The counselor came in Saturday night.  The Mission Team from Alabama also arrived Saturday. They stayed in the two buildings up by us....the chapel and the bunkhouse.  It was good to worship with both teams on Sunday morning at Farmington Baptist Church.
  This was our "rest" week.  We all enjoyed sleeping late and just doing nothing.  Bob and I took Tuesday and went into the mountains.  I know he must have gotten tired of hearing "so beautiful" and "stop, I've got to take a picture".  Every turn was another fantastic view.  God's presence surrounded us in the beauty of the mountains. The mountain lakes were so tranquil, the streams bubbling over the rocks with such constant energy.  My favorite was Small Falls.  If you are on facebook, I know you have seen some of the pictures. We missed one of the falls on our way home, but hope to get back to see it this week. Kristi, Nichole and Ann took a late afternoon trip the same route in hopes to see a moose.  They also stopped at Small Falls.  Around dusk, they received their reward.....a Mama Moose with her baby.  Kristi said the baby was as big as she was!!!.  They (the moose) retreated into the woods so quickly, no one got a picture. We still have a trip planned to Moosehead Lake...a little further in to the mountains.  We plan to see and get a picture of the illusive moose of Maine. 
  Kristi and I went into Farmington and ate lunch at the Corner Cafe. Then we visited the little shops. One of our favorite shops was the Moose Outlet.  What a fun shop!  Anything you can think of with a moose theme.  They also had bear and wolf "stuff".  Just a fun store.  We, of course, found a great thrift shop.  We are ready to trade some of our cloths in. Check out the picture of Kristi's great repurposed skirt purse.  So Cute. We followed it up with an ice cream at Gifford's. That's becoming a wonderful habit! 
  Bob has been happy staying at the Center and working in the yard. It's really looking good.  He cleaned their big bonfire area and mulched around the bunkhouse. He loves messing around in the barn.  He has it pretty organized.  Hmmmm, he never could manage that at home!  Every evening he would drive the mower with wagon in tow down to the camp and empty all the garbage. Then spent a little time visiting with the boys down there.  
  I've been making some aprons...the shirt apron Kristi designed. Remember Beverly, the head cook from Girl's Camp. Her father-in-law had passed away the week before camp and her husband Don had brought back some of his father's shirts. So I am making some aprons for the family.  It was good to get back to sewing. I'm excited to see her face when she sees them. Pray for their family during this difficult time. They also have a son-in-law who has cancer and facing surgery.
   On Saturday,  the Mission Team and the boys left. That meant we had to go restock and get ready for the next group, The First Russian Baptist Church of Gorham, Maine  The counselors came in before we finished.  They busily readied the camp for the children who arrived in big bus at 4:00. They had a "ticket booth" set up and a man dressed in Biblical times escorted them to the Booth.  That began their week. I had to go into the kitchen later with some paper goods. Two women were busy preparing dinner. I sure would like to have stayed and just watched.  Neither of them spoke English.  Pray for the camp this week.
   Today, July 27th, marks three months on our journey.  I can't believe it's been that long, but at other times it seems longer. We are missing our friends and family, but God is faithful to put others in our path to encourage us.  Thank you for the notes you have sent and for the many prayers we know have been said on our behalf. God is faithful to supply our needs...physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We praise Him!

     Joyfully RVn4Jesus,
                Bob and Kristi, too.
Small Falls

Windmills outside of Roxbury

Roots of the trees were the steps

View Kristi saw - sun beginning to set
View Bob & I saw

Kristi & Nicole
Kristi ~ Ann ~ Nicole on their moose hunt

The woods are so different here
It was too late for them to start the hike -
It really upset them, can't you tell?

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