Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weeks 8...

No rest for the weary...well almost no rest...

SO, as our week at Schrock Community Church VBS came to a close on Friday, we already were on to our next appointment.

We, and the summer missionaries, all packed up and moved over to FBC Palmer to meet up with Gary & Shirley.  We were to help set up 23 cots for the mission team from Paris, Tennessee that were coming in to run JAM Camp.  Deanna and Shelby sure were excited for them to get here since this was "their people" from back home.  So what is JAM Camp you ask????  Jesus - Arts - Music Camp - Pretty cool I must say.  Once we got all the cots set up, sheets sorted, blankets and towels delivered we had to head back over to Schrock for our final night of VBS and Daddy headed over to the airport to pick up the team.  I hated to see this one come to an end, yes I was exhausted, yes I was ready for a break, but Schrock VBS was just so much fun, I kept coming back for more.  Once we cleaned up and said our goodbyes we returned to FBC Palmer.
Not nearly as innocent
as he appears...but if you know
him, you know that already!

Now, let me let you in on a little something here, just to give you a little background of the next story I am about to tell.  One of the summer missionaries, Shelby, is an absolute hoot, prankster and just a really funny girl.  Right off the bat her and Daddy hit it off (imagine that) and then we quickly realized that we have found someone that could beat Daddy at his own game, she was able to pull one on him as fast as he could pull one on her.  As you can imagine, the time together is always a ton of laughs.  SO, on our trip to Palmer to set up the cots, we were all together in the van and Daddy did his "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY" and yes he got us all and we all screamed.  Oh wait, you may not know what I am talking about, so let me back up on this one too....As kids when we were traveling where ever, when we were all asleep in the car, Daddy would slam on brakes and scream, literally scream, "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY?"  needless to say, he would get a kick out of the utter terror and screams that came from everyone in the car.  Now for the story, since Daddy was one of the drivers going to pick up the team, little Ms Shelby gets Dadda Bob to agree to do it to the van load of "her people" on their way home from the airport, and YEP, HE DID!  So, there was a van load of people that as I met them would say, Oh your Dad was our driver and he scared us to death....YEP, THAT'S MY DAD!  Funny part is they all "SAID" they loved it...LOL I know LOVE was surely NOT the word I would use to describe the "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY" experience.  I know Shelby 
sure got a kick out of it!

Now as you know Momma bleeds WMU.  Well so does God and He so beautifully arranged a WMU meeting Saturday morning.  Momma was able to go join with the ladies at FBC Palmer and their WMU group.  A great time was had by all and she even got a copy of the Mission Mosaic to keep.

We had to head out to JAM Camp on Sunday to help with their set up for their camp.  I can now say I know how to set up a carport that is covered with that tarp stuff, that is pretty cool.  Even think we will have to get one and modify it just a bit for our "HOME" to rest under when we get back to Florida.  After set up was completed, registration of children began, car after car after van after van, children just kept coming, they said it was their largest year yet.  We said our good-byes as the summer missionaries and the mission teams from the lower 48 (HA I LOVE SAYING THAT...hehehe) embarked on their week of pouring into these children.  I loved how the camp pastor said it at Parents night at camp, "they came along side and helped shepherd their children".  We were invited out to the final night AKA Parents night at camp, WOW, what a great program and what talent was in that room.  I know Jesus was proclaimed and lives were changed just hearing the stories come from camp. 

Our Grill Master
for the day!
We however, headed back over to FBC Palmer to empty the block party trailer, paint it and reorganize the whole thing.  WOW what a job, but like my friend from Maine said, yard by yard it's hard, inch by inch it's a sinch!   That line has come in so handy in so many different ways on this trip.  So, as Momma and I did the block party trailer, Daddy worked on reorganizing the Quonset hut.  Isn't it funny how you have to make a mess to clean and organize.  Before we had a chance to finish the BPT it was needed for service at a block party to pre-register for VBS that we were helping with.  Got out there all set up with rain in the forecast and rain clouds everywhere, but PRAISE GOD, not a drop of rain fell during the block party or during clean up.  It was a great turn out and everyone had a great time, we went through 82 hot dogs, 5 bags of ice for the snow cones and two large containers of popcorn.  After we returned the BPT back to the Quonset hut I can finally say, with lots of sweat, almost tears (yea I cut myself) and pulled muscles, both jobs are done!

Our next job was for Momma and Daddy to help with  getting the 3 vehicles that the Tennessee mission team left at the airport back to Palmer.  To our wonderful surprise, the Worthy's, Pastor Charles and Ms Sherry, invited Zackary, Deanna and Shelby to go to Whittier for a little day off and they invited us along with them.  You have no idea how wonderful of an unexpected blessing that was.  If you don't know much about Whittier  go online and check it out, this town has some great history and charm.  We also were able to go on a short hike to see Byron glacier.  I am telling you again...PUT ALASKA ON YOUR BUCKET LIST!!!  The beauty that God created here is like no other place I have ever been or seen.  Now granted, I have not been everywhere and I know He has some seriously beautiful creations, and Alaska is definitely a place that will take your breath away as you marvel at the creation of our Lord.  After a fun filled day of touring, and hiking, we had to drop off Momma and Daddy at the Anchorage airport to drive vehicles back.  Which we are very thankful to have already found the airport since my sister Cyndi is coming up to visit for 10 days.  We are on the count down to get to the 6th when she arrives.  Please keep her in prayer for travel mercies. 

As you can see, another busy week, lots of running, lots of going in different directions, but it always seems to get done with the dependence on the Lord.  Through HIM and ONLY HIM - He makes a way!

Loving God & Loving Others -
Bob and Carol
Galatians 6:9-10



Zackary and Ms Sherry

Crazy all this came out of there..

The cat whisperer


The entrance to the
2 mile railroad track
made into a single lane

going into the tunnel

Ms Sherry - Our favorite hiking partner
driver and story teller! :)

Ms Sherry - to know her
is to love her!

Pastor Charles our
favorite tour guide and
wildlife whisperer. :)

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