Friday, October 10, 2014

The earth declares His glory!!!

We have now traveled almost 5000 miles, stayed in 23 campgrounds and who knows how many Wal-Marts along the way! And we still have 15 months to go. Can you believe that?!?!?!
On a hike in New Hampshire
So the last time we posted was August 30th.  WOW have we got a lot to catch up on.  This past month has been a whirlwind, our longest stop was for 5 nights and that was just this past week.  Other than that we only stopped a couple of nights and moved on.  Not only have we seen some amazingly beautiful things, the best has been that we were able to visit with some family and friends along the way.

Since we left Maine, we have basically been stopping to see things that we haven’t seen before, or things my parents wanted to visit again.  Yes, we have been playing tourists, but LOVING the fact that our life is all about God and His glory, so everywhere we go, every place we stop, we are always ON mission for God.  Even though we are not serving at a ministry right now, we are still on mission 24/7.  God is always at work and so are we.  I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit that moves and guides me along to where He wants me or should I say us. 
Ben & Jerry's Tour
We have visited New Hampshire, Vermont, New York (3 places), Pennsylvania, Michigan (3 places), Ohio, Kentucky and we are currently in Tennessee visiting with family, all since our last post.  We have a whole lot of pictures to share with you.  With so many stops, we figured we would just do a picture post this time so you can enjoy our travels through photos. 

 I was constantly amazed by what I saw, some of the most amazing beauty ever, then I would be even more amazed at the next stop.  God and His creation is just so breathtaking and this is the sin tainted version, how much more does God have in store for us.  I keep thank God for opening my eyes and for my salvation.  What a gift to be able to experience all of this, not only with my parents, but with new eyes and a new heart.  It just makes me want to share the gospel even more, I don’t want anyone to miss out on having eyes to see and ears to hear, who our God really is, to KNOW Him, to serve Him and to love HIM!  OH Jesus, without Him, how lost I would be. (Hey, that should be a song…hehehe) 

Lots of pictures, but we hope you enjoy traveling with us.
Letchworth State Park

 Seeing all we have so far, really just drives home the FACT that the earth declares His glory!  “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY; the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3










Grand Canyon of the East


Hope you enjoyed the pictures!  Next post...Niagra Falls!!!
Much LOVE and Prayers....

Bob & Carol
RV'n 4 Jesus
Galations 6:9-10

Donations and Sponsorships are welcomed!
Giving is a blessing for others as well as a blessing to us.
PayPal account -
Enter (my business account) and follow the instructions.
If you do NOT have a Pay Pal account there is a .59 cent fee for the transaction.

To mail a check - please send it to our home church ~
First Baptist Church Salt Springs
C/O Mary Beth Gervais
24100 NE Hwy 314
Salt Springs, FL 32134.

Either way, whether you choose to make a contribution or not, please know that your prayers are very much wanted, needed and appreciated. We are walking by faith and know that God will provide! Thank you and God Bless!











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