I know a lot of you have been to DC so you will get to walk with us through our retelling of of it. Others haven't been, so let me just say....GO TO DC!!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!
I loved all of the history - the preservation of history should I say, the monuments were outstanding, every where I looked my eyes saw wonders and sights that I could never have imagined without being there to take it all in. I am so thankful for friends telling me the MUST SEE and MUST DO while in DC. But for me to choose just one to share about...that was easy!
Krist -
8 different kinds of olives - OMW |
So many "favorites" in our trip to our Nation's capitol, it's difficult to choose one. I think mine would be the monuments and memorials . That's a wide range but they all brought the same feeling of awe and pride in our country. The monuments of our great founders all reminded us of our country was founded "under God". A sadness was there also as I thought how far our country has gotten from their allegiance to the one true God.
Arlington National Cemetery was so emotional. I had the same feeling as the memorials
as I saw grave stone after grave stone of men and women, each with some connection to service to our country. Yes, they gave their lives to insure our freedom, but there is One, Jesus, the Christ, who gave his life for us for a more important freedom, freedom from the bondage of sin and opened the door to a relationship with the Almighty God.
as I saw grave stone after grave stone of men and women, each with some connection to service to our country. Yes, they gave their lives to insure our freedom, but there is One, Jesus, the Christ, who gave his life for us for a more important freedom, freedom from the bondage of sin and opened the door to a relationship with the Almighty God.
Carol -
Next up....Daddy
Our trip to Washington DC...WOW!
I made several trips into DC when Carol and I were stationed at Marine barracks, Annapolis, Maryland. There was just to much to see and not enough time, two weeks was not enough time to cover it all, so we picked and chose where we would go and see.
We started at the camp ground on Andrews Air Force Base as you know. We got to see Air Force One, and other presidential party planes come and go daily. The campground was less than 2 miles from the hanger. I did a lot of bicycle riding on base.
The first airplane for transporting people and why, the plane built and changed so it could drop the atomic bomb on Japan. From prop to jet...What a sight! Then the secret type planes/jets...
Now on to outer space - YES! We saw the shuttle that went up 39 times! Where it when and why it went.
It was fantastic to say the least...You needed two days just for the museum! You do not get the whole story by looking you have to stop and read why it was built and for what reason.
Thanks for taking the time to read my little bit of telling you some history.
Bob -
Me(Kristi) again....
I So wish we had more time and space to share all we did, but it would be a two hour read...and I promised I would try to keep them short. :)
Eastern Market definitely my favorite, but WOW Rolling Thunder sure was a close second. They estimated over a million motorcycles that rode into Washington for Memorial Day to Honor and Never Forget the fallen soldiers and the POW and MIA. What an amazing sight to see. Yes we have seen so much and still amazed at the preservation of our nations history. SO COOL!!! Not the biggest history scholar, but DC was really pretty cool and yes I did learn a whole lot!!! God was so good to us while we were there. He was always right there providing the way as He always does. Kept us safe and we survived the Metro :) It was great, except the night trip...yea I was scared! But again, God kept us safe! Oh and living on base at Andrews AFB was AWESOME!!!! I loved the constant helicopters flying over - planes huge planes taking off, practically made the ground shake and of course my nightly playing of Taps...I LOVED IT!!! Oh and the night time monuments were AMAZING!!! SOOOOO glad a friend told me to make sure I did that!!!
But I will assure you, even in DC - we made sure we took time to give thanks and to stop and smell the roses!!
Love you all, please continued prayers. God has a great since of humor and timing! We are having a blast but never forgetting our Mission, our Motive or our Master!
Kristi ~
Galatians 6:9-10
Don't forget to leave us a comment...It is so nice hearing from all of you back home, makes the distance seem so much smaller!!!
Heading to Baltimore, MD for the next 12 days and will be attending the SBC. Camping at Patapsco Valley State Park....LOTS of trees - just what this girl needs after DC!!!
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If you do NOT have a Pay Pal account there is a .59 cent fee for the transaction.
If you do NOT have a Pay Pal account there is a .59 cent fee for the transaction.
To mail a check - please send it to our home church ~
First Baptist Church Salt Springs
C/O Mary Beth Gervais
24100 NE Hwy 314
Salt Springs, FL 32134.
Either way, whether you choose to make a contribution or not, please know that your prayers are very much wanted, needed and appreciated. We are walking by faith and know that God will provide! Thank you and God Bless!
First Baptist Church Salt Springs
C/O Mary Beth Gervais
24100 NE Hwy 314
Salt Springs, FL 32134.
Either way, whether you choose to make a contribution or not, please know that your prayers are very much wanted, needed and appreciated. We are walking by faith and know that God will provide! Thank you and God Bless!
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