next. We went right into VBS, but this one was only a 3 day condensed format being done at a home in a neighborhood, I guess it is kind of like a Back Yard Bible Club. We were having the VBS at the home of Myron and Sharon Severson, missionaries in Alaska. They have served as teachers in different very remote villages across Alaska for more years than I have been alive as well as going over to China and Mongolia to teach English as a second language. Their lives were just fascinating and the stories just keep on coming. I can't really say they are retired because they are still doing Bible studies, teaching karate, having block parties and doing VBS in their home and I'm sure I am only barely scratching the surface. But let me just tell you, what a pleasure it has been to serve with them both.

Now, about VBS. What a fun week, I mean 3 days, now that's my kind of VBS, oops did I say that? It was such a pleasure working with the group from First Baptist Wasilla. We were able to combine all of the kids in one group and just rotate the teachers, music, Bible story, missions, crafts, rec and snack. It was great and the kids really seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. Fun was had by all!!!!

Now, Thursday was finally upon us. What was the big deal about Thursday? It was our only FULL DAY OFF in the month of July. Now don't get me wrong, we have had a couple of half days here and there, but this was our only full day off with nothing we had to do or complete....And what did we do you ask? We slept in until 10:00 and then made our way to Eagle River to a wonderful little restaurant called Garcia's to have lunch with our wonderful host church Pastor Rodney and Ms Anita. This is their favorite place to eat, so we decided it would be fun to just get away and have no time limit or have anything else to have to go do. We had more fun just sitting back laughing, sharing, and of course eating some amazing Mexican food as well, doesn't get much better than that.

Our last job was to go help Journey Church with a back to school clothes give away. WOW at the amount of clothes they had. Daddy and I went through bag after bag sorting boys/girls/men/women sizes and putting them into tubs for the give away while Momma worked the thrift store. Then Saturday morning we headed back at 9:00am to the finishing of the set up to start the grill for the hot dog sliders. Now, I will have to admit this was my first experience with hot dog sliders. It wasn't the little hot dogs like I thought. It was hot dogs wrapped in tortillas. The kick was, if you don't wrap it right the hot dog slides out...hence, hot dog sliders! Different I will say, but not like you can ruin or make a hot dog better, it is what it is...LOL The clothes give away was a success, people came, clothes were given, food was eaten and we were able to talk and share with many of those that came.
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Our month of July was pretty busy... |
As our week winded down we really had to press on to the finish line, we were exhausted. NO our job is never done when you are a Christ follower and on mission with God, NO our work isn't forgotten, but our commitment has come to an end of a long month. We were officially finished, which saddened us to know our time here was almost over, but the sweet part was knowing my sister was coming up on the 6th and we would get to take a few weeks to go play and travel to other parts of Alaska.
Not many pictures of our last week of service to the Hatcher Pass Baptist Association, but it was a great week filled right to the very end. Knowing that we have looked forward to our trip to serve here in Alaska for over a year and a half and to know it is almost over is really a hard concept. Very bitter sweet. We have fallen in love with the people here and we have fallen in love with Alaska. I know God brought us here to serve along side of so many faithful Christ followers for the glory of our God.
Our host church and family especially! Schrock Road Community Church and Pastor Rodney and Ms Anita have just gone above and beyond for us. They have been a continual out pouring of just down home genuine Christ love. We have so enjoyed coming along side and serving with them.
We have met countless people that have truly touched our lives in ways we will never be able to explain. God has so blessed us while we have been in Alaska and we just pray that we have been at least half as much of a blessing to those we have had the pleasure to meet and work with.

THANK YOU HATCHERS PASS ASSOCIATION - SCHROCK ROAD COMMUNITY CHURCH - FBC WILLOW - FBC PALMER - - BIG LAKE BAPTIST & JOURNEY CHURCH for allowing us to come along side and serve with you for Kingdom purposes. We love you all and you will never be forgotten!!! We shall see you again, either here, there or in the air! We leave you all with
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:9 & 10

Now, I must say, we are heading out on the 7th and I won't be back to post until after the 17th. We are off to explore with my sister and Zackary. (which a shout out has to go to him for letting me borrow his computer to do the last two posts...WOW what a time saver a new computer is! Praying I will one day be able to get a new one, until then, praying mine keeps on keeping on!)
Sending love and asking for prayers for all the churches we have had the pleasure to work with and for the Hatcher Pass Baptist Association.
Loving God and loving others -
Bob & Carol
Glalatians 6:9 & 10