We arrived at Brantley Lake state campground which was literally in the middle of umm nowhere, where I have learned is referred to as a spacious, and yes sir it sure is, very spaaaacious! Being the first desert I ever went through, it was very different, but grew on me.
Mom has been talking about the caverns and wanting to go there since we began planning the trip. They were there back in the 60's and she wanted to do it again. She had been telling me all about it . At first I was kind of leary because she said there was an elevator ride down, which wasn't so bad, but then she informed me that it was 750' deep, dowwwwwwwn to the bottom! That is where I began to get a little apprehensive about it.
The trip to the caverns alone was magnificent. Well, let me re-state that, the trip up to the top of the mountain to go into the caverns was magnificent! The mountains everywhere, the caves that we could see on the mountains, the beauty like no other I had ever seen, was just breathtaking. We kept going up, up and up some more. Finally at the top, which was really really windy and cold, but beautiful. It began to drizzle so we went on in. Got our tickets and down down down we went, 750ft below the surface to the bottom of the cavern floor.
I couldn't get over the silence. I was so grateful for the blessing of going in the winter (off season) because at times we were completely alone on the path through the caverns. So, to hear NOTHING - TOTAL SILENCE, was a little creepy at first, but by the time I was half way through I was relishing it. I was looking for more opportunities to get alone with just me, the cavern and God. But let me back up to the caverns, WOW! At one point it is called the Big Room. That room from one side to the other is 1/4 mile wide. It is HUGE! I was amazed yet again at the beauty that God created. Then it hit me, I am in a cavern 750ft down, these formations have been being created for (don't remember how many they actually said) but for an extremely long time. So, I just sat back and thanked God for making something so beautiful, weather it was seen by human eyes or not. He made those caverns and every other cave/cavern on earth just as beautiful whether they will be seen or not. He just CREATES BEAUTY, God's GLORY is BEAUTY! I love that!! Anyways, that was such a beautiful time alone with my God reveling in His creation! These caverns are huge, it took us about an hour and a half to walk it. Funny part, I was walking ahead of Momma and Daddy, but kept looking back to make sure they were there. When we got to the end, Momma said she was doing the same thing, just cherishing the time alone in the silence with God. Then she would lose sight of me and catch back up. We are so much alike...I love that!!!
So for me, that was pretty cool to check it out. I had always heard of area 51 and all that about aliens and all, so getting to go there and see the little museum with all the history from back in the 40's was really cool. Of course they had the little exhibits that I just had to take pictures with and just cut up with, Yes and so did Momma! Daddy was in the film room watching the documentary.
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OH NO - Go get Bob! |
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Do you see what I see??? |
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Turns out they were pretty friendly - He wanted to be my Valentine, but our differences were worlds a part! HAHAHA |
This is where I fell in love with New Mexico. Such unique beauty all it's own. As we were driving from Roswell to Albuquerque (one straight road no towns for 100 miles...CRAZY) we went from complete desert to desert with the mountains. I expected to see John Wayne on his horse to appear or to see two or three Indians to be watching us at the top of those mountains. It was really a great drive. Oh and to see what a REAL ranch with REAL cowboys were. Not the 2 or 3 acre ranch like back home, but one that goes on for miles and miles. The cattle were just beautiful and huge. We arrived into the big city and quickly found Kirtland Air Force Base which was where we got to call home for 11 days. The base is at the foot of Sandia mountains. I loved the constant view of those mountains. While we were there we did the site seeing of Madrid, a really cool eclectic artist town with all kinds of fun, different stores and the Santa Fe area. Praising God for His provisions there. Ended up almost having a blow out on our car rear wheels, so instead of touring there we got to see Pep Boys. God covered that bulge where the tread was splitting so we could get to the store. We just praise Him that it wasn't while we were towing it behind the rv. We then ventured into Old Town Albuquerque, so cool. I love the history is these places.
We were also able to go to the top of Sandia Peak by a tram. Yes, I say it all the time I know, but WOW - 10,000 ft above sea level - spectacular!!!! It was 30 degrees colder on the top than it was on the bottom of the mountain, 28 is really cold!!! We also got to see snow up there and yep, got to play in it too. Last time I saw snow I was only 22, so that was quite a while ago. I ended up taking over 200 pictures on the ride up and while I was up there, but half way through the time at the top my phone died. I'm actually really glad. It made me STOP and just take it all in! To just BE alone with God! I couldn't help but tear up as I gazed into the view from up there. NEVER have I seen beauty like this. I laugh each place we go that takes my breath away as I am thanking God for more beauty that is breathtaking, and I can almost hear Him say, just wait, it gets better, you have no idea what it just up ahead. God has so blessed us with this trip. I not only get to do this with my parents, but God is leading every step and meeting us as we go.
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View from our camp site |

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Another Retiree - They find each other everywhere! :) |

As you all know, Momma bleeds WMU, so it was only fitting for us to get to go to the Western Regional Leadership Summit while we were in Albuquerque. It is actually the whole reason we came up here on our way to Arizona. It was wonderful to be with women with a heart for missions, to sing praise songs together to our Lord and to attend conferences as we continue to learn and gather information for our future ministry and mission opportunities. Mom was in her prime, chatting it up with ladies that she has known through the years and making new friends as we went. There were 17 states represented at this summit, I would say that was pretty cool. All the way from Hawaii to Alaska. We were able to meet with the WMU Executive Director from Alaska (woo hoo - we arrive there in May) and what a small world, she has a condo in Inverness and is in Ocala all the time...How cool is that?!?!?! And of course we were able to meet with our North American Love Loud Missionary for the West, Lorna Bius. Spending time with her is always such a pleasure. She is one of the most genuine women I have ever met. She loves her Jesus and she loves others, she embodies what it means to love. She listens. She cares. I sat in two of her conferences and in one of them she was sharing the importance of speaking the names of those we want to lift up, speaking their name before the Throne. That alone, gives our prayers such meaning, and she continued, that if we don't speak their name, who will. You may be the only person to ever speak their name before the Father, that IS a big deal, that it IS important. So let me encourage you, speak their name before the Throne of our Lord. Unfortunately, it was a whirlwind of meetings and conferences that had to come to an end. I truly LOVE that I get to share the love for missions with my Momma. What an honor.
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While I am typing this we are in the middle of a crazy wind storm and just saw little snow flurries. It is just beautiful. Best part is that we aren't pulling out until Tuesday, so it will all be long gone by then. Safe to drive again.
Thanks for tagging along with us even when we do some touristy stuff. We look forward to arriving in Arizona to meet up with one of our favorite couples, the Dunn's, from our home church to come along side of their son, a pilot missionary. We will be serving at an airplane hanger where they fly Bibles and literature into Mexico. We will give a full report next week! Not really sure exactly what we will be doing, but look forward to the opportunity to assist them in their efforts to further the Kingdom.
Loving God and loving others ~
Bob and Carol
Galatians 6:9-10
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Donations and Sponsors are welcomed and most appreciated!
Giving is a blessing for others as well as a blessing to us.
Donations and Sponsors are welcomed and most appreciated!
Giving is a blessing for others as well as a blessing to us.
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To mail a check - please send it to our home church ~
First Baptist Church Salt Springs
C/O Mary Beth Gervais
24100 NE Hwy 314
Salt Springs, FL 32134.
Either way, whether you choose to make a contribution or not, please know that your prayers are very much wanted, needed and appreciated. We are walking by faith and know that God will provide! Thank you and God Bless!