NOW, I was told the other day...."you need to post more and get your schedule up" so, I decided to go ahead and share with you all our exciting path so far. Mom is amazing and doing the routing stuff as well as being our official contact for our mission team. GO MOMMA!!!! Here is what we have so far....
April 27 - Say good-bye to our church family and leave after church to head off into the wild blue yonder!!!
April 28 - May 5 - Savanna, GA - Homeless shelter
May 5 - 7 - Hunting Island, SC - Paris Island, USMC - Daddy wants one last tour of his old stomping grounds!
May 7 - 8 - Myrtle Beach, SC - layover :)
May 9-10 - Williamsburg, VA, Historic tour
May 11 - 17 - Bowling Green, VA, campground ministry
May 18 - 31 - Andrews Air Force Base, Washington DC - staying at the campground on the base - only 19 slots - looking for some great opportunities while here - playing tourist and being hands and feet for Jesus in any way He leads.
June 1 - 12 - Patapsco Valley, Baltimore, MA - Southern Baptist Convention,
WMU 125 Birthday, Lottie Moon Tour
June - July - Maine ... working with Ann B. Lawrence
August/September - Canada (to visit Marg & Don - our snowbirds) Pennsylvania, Michigan
October - Jonesville, LA - Helping at FBCJ fall festival and hopefully helping out at the Breadcrumb mission.
October - Olla, LA - helping with the fair ministry and at Trinity Mission.
November -
December - San Antonio, TX - Strong Foundation - homeless/transition shelter - helping over the holidays.
January - May - Arizona to visit dear friends - Colorado - Dakotas - Oregon - Washington
June - July - August - Palmer, ALASKA!!!! Assisting the Palmer Association with local churches and incoming churches(from the lower 48...hahaha I will get to say that when I am there....hehehe) and mission groups as they come to Alaska for mission trips.
As you can see, two years goes by really fast when you start putting dates on a calendar. Most of our dates are flexible enough to go as the Lord leads. We have made our schedule as flexible as possible so we can adjust as the Lord leads. We know there may be times where we might stay a little longer or may even move at times. As we schedule more date along the way we will make sure to update our travel plans.
You all know our heart, we love the Lord and want to serve as He sees fit. We truly want that with all of our heart. As we have been planning and praying and making arrangements, we really wanted to find a verse that we could have for our trip. Through prayer and reading, we came to Galatians 6:9-10 - "So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith." The Message. We feel this not only helps us in not giving up, but also, reminds those we see along the way serving in ministries all over the United States, to not grow weary either. It is a two fold verse - for us, for you and them. So please join with us in prayer and in perseverance. When you see this verse along the way or when God brings us to your mind, please just whisper a prayer for us.
Also, we have had several people ask us about making donations. After praying about it we really feel that in many ways, that is God's provisions for us as well as blessing for others to help and donate to our trip as well as a blessing to us with your generosity. We have a Paypal account and figured that would probably be the easiest way. If you do not feel comfortable with that you can mail a check to our home church and they will make sure it gets deposited into our account. Either way is fine and whatever you prefer. To pay with Pay/Pal you will just need our email address - kristiskreations1@yahoo.com (the one the account is under). If you do not have a PayPal account it will cost .59 for the transaction. If you wish to mail it to our home church - First Baptist Church Salt Springs, C/O Mary Beth Gervais, 24100 NE Hwy 314, Salt Springs, FL 32134.
Either way, wether you choose to make a contribution or not, please know that your prayers are very much wanted, needed and appreciated. We are walking by faith and know that God will provide for our every need.
Thanks again for reading another post and keeping up along with us. Once we get on the road we will be posting pics, stories and God moments to share with you weekly. Until then...the posts may seem long...I promise I will do my best to keep it short and sweet...haha who am I kidding...lol...but I will do my best :)
Love you all ~
Kristi ~ Bob ~ Carol
RV'n 4 Jesus